Community Systems

Community Systems

Community Systems has been working in partnership with Government agencies, Local Authorities, FE Colleges, and private organisations over the past decades delivering various programmes for those in work and those seeking work.

Our Partners

Our partnerships with government agencies, local authorities, educational institutions, and private organisations enable us to deliver tailored programs and services to our communities. From ESOL courses with the Royal Borough of Greenwich to accredited qualifications via City & Guilds, our collaborations aim to empower individuals and drive positive change.

Since 2010, we've partnered with the Royal Borough of Greenwich, offering pre-entry level ESOL courses for London residents.
Since 2008, we've partnered with City of Westminster College and merged with North West London College to form UCG. We now offer ESOL, Functional Skills Maths, and Employability skills.
Since 2013, we've partnered with Prospects, now part of Shaw Trust, to offer the National Careers Service, extending guidance across South East and West London.
All our services and training courses are funded by Government Agencies.
All our services and training courses are funded by Government Agencies.
All our services and training courses are funded by Government Agencies.
All our services and training courses are funded by Government Agencies.
City & Guilds offers accredited qualifications under the Regulated Qualifications Framework. We provide City and Guilds qualifications for all regulated courses.
Our Information, Advice and Guidance service meets the Matrix expectations.
Our training courses are delivered in accordance with Ofsted requirements.
Cyber Essential plus certification ensures that our IT systems are protected to the utmost standards against any potential hazards.
For 15+ years, we've provided careers advice and guidance in southeast England with diverse partners. Now, we offer these services under NCS with Shaw Trust.
Community Systems works closely with local Jobcentres to offer training courses to help the unemployed back into sustained work.

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